
Time: 01/02 11:00 - 11:30
Location: Lounge

Read this only if session 2 is the first session in your group

Welcome to the first session with your group. Each session takes place after each of ECHO’s four main gatherings, and the purpose is to discuss the theme of the session you have just been to.


We hope that your group may be a place where you can be honest and curious, share life and thoughts. Even though we have created a structure to each gathering, it is still up to you if you follow it or if you will take the conversation in another direction. The purpose is to talk about what you have been filled with, and not necessarily about what we have planned. You have 30 minutes for each session, so only spend time on what you think makes sense.



Gathering 2 / Lonely Winter

  1. Pray for the session: Find one person from the group to pray for the session.


  1. Check in:
    • Name one thing that spoke to you or came to your mind about the gathering you have just attended.


  1. Questions:
    • How do you experience “winter” in your life and your relationship with God?
    • The Bible is full of prayers from people who felt abandoned by God despite God’s promises to never leave us. How can we as believers support each other when God feels distant?
    • How can being alone become a meeting place with God, both when it is lonely and when it is peaceful?


  1. End the session in prayer.