Time: 01/02 12:00
Location: KOMPAS Hotel Aalborg

Before starting a family, we may have many ideals, expectations, and visions of what a good family life looks like. Perhaps we’ve decided on priorities that keep faith and Christian fellowship as integral parts of everyday life. But as a rule, life looks very different with three teenagers in the house compared to what we imagined when we first held a baby in our arms. Similarly, life with younger children tends to be more hectic and chaotic than we had dreamed. If a family member is ill or there are children with special needs, it can feel particularly challenging to succeed as parents or as a family.


How do we navigate the tension between our ideals and expectations and the reality we live in – especially in relation to faith and Christian community? How can we, as communities, serve as support for families under significant strain? And how can families find breathing room in the midst of a demanding daily life?


This seminar is in Danish.